Title: Rumble in the Bronx - Chinese Full Movie Jackie Chan
Author: Mr Bean
Rating 5 of 5
Hong Kong policeman Keung (Jackie Chan) arrives in New York for the wedding of his uncle Bill (Bill Tung), a grocer who recently sold hi...
Hong Kong policeman Keung (Jackie Chan) arrives in New York for the wedding of his uncle Bill (Bill Tung), a grocer who recently sold his Bronx store to the fetching Elaine (Anita Mui). After a biker gang bursts into the store to wreak havoc, Keung springs into action, giving up his vacation to defend the weak and protect the innocent with his extraordinary martial arts skills. As Keung investigates local gangs, he learns more about a criminal syndicate that needs to be brought to justice.
Initial release: January 21, 1995 (Hong Kong) Director: Stanley Tong Music composed by: J. Peter Robinson Screenplay: Edward Tang, Fibe Ma Producers: Raymond Chow, Leonard Ho, Barbie Tung, Roberta Chow
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